Chantel’s 2-day reflexology workshop is comprised of five segments that utilize lecture, demonstration, and hands-on practice. The five segments that make up the workshop are:
SCHEDULE AND HOURS DEFINED: This 16-hour, 2-day weekend workshop will have 14 educational hours.
REGISTRATION: Prerequisite: Reflexology for Trauma & Addiction (Level I)
PAYMENT: If you are a current member of ANY state reflexology association you are eligible for the "Member" rate. To qualify for this discount, choose the member button for payment and send a copy of your current association membership to the group or association hosting the workshop.
ARCB CEs: This class is recognized by ARCB. Students who attend and answer questions about the workshop are given a certificate of completion acknowledging 14 CEs.
Chantel’s 2-day reflexology workshop is comprised of five segments that utilize lecture, demonstration, and hands-on practice. The five segments that make up the workshop are:
- Review of the principles, concepts, and techniques learning in Level I:
- The No-Mind Approach to Wellness (a philosophy and methodology for to help you release the diagnosis in sessions with clients and loved ones)
- A Compassionate Intake Process (holding space for someone's healing)
- Reflexology Protocols (hereafter referred to as "Guides") for Trauma and Addiction
- Deepening No-Mind with the inclusion of Imagination and Cellular/Neural perfection
- Understanding and utilizing the various brain wave states before, during, and after sessions
- Advanced learning on brain structures, including areas not usually addressed or considered in a traditional reflexology practice.
- Gentle and direct inquiry: Knowing what's outside your scope of practice.
- Dual diagnosis
- Cross addiction
- Reflexology Guides for Trauma & Addiction: "From Empty to Full" ~ what the practitioner and client CAN fill their brain with during a session.
- Anatomy and physiology of the brain and the areas, structures, and glands that play a role in filtering, self-awareness, inhibition, judgment/discernment, emotional regulation, timing and context.
- The cortices, specifically the ventral, orbital, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
- A review of the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, thalamus, basal ganglia, and pituitary gland and how to address these areas via the mini map in our own and our client's hands and feet.
- Introduction to the anterior cingulate/left anterior cingulate, right precuneus, and right anterior insula.
- Deepening our understanding the areas of the body that house trauma and addiction.
- Which structures, glands, and areas of the brain require detailed work for trauma and addiction.
- Review
- The HPA axis and the target organs, glands, or systems affected by the trauma &/or addiction from a reflexology perspective.
- The neurological system and how reflexology works via this system, directly related to how we receive internal and external stimuli.
- Adapting our Reflexology Guides to address the specific person: Moving beyond the "protocol."
- Self-care tools to use and impart to clients.
- Advanced anatomy and physiology of the brain as it relates to trauma and addiction
- Moving from dependance and co-regulation to empowerment and self-regulation.
- Next steps in energetic reflexology.
- Heightened awareness: listening to the micro-gestures, words, and movements of our clients.
- The parts of the brain responsible for filtering, self-awareness, inhibition, judgment/discernment, emotional regulation, timing and context.
- Review of Reflexology Guides for trauma and addiction and how to tailor sessions based on CIP.
- Discovering the body: marrying reflexology and movement.
- New reflexology methods, techniques, and "subtle holds" for a detailed and integrative session.
SCHEDULE AND HOURS DEFINED: This 16-hour, 2-day weekend workshop will have 14 educational hours.
REGISTRATION: Prerequisite: Reflexology for Trauma & Addiction (Level I)
PAYMENT: If you are a current member of ANY state reflexology association you are eligible for the "Member" rate. To qualify for this discount, choose the member button for payment and send a copy of your current association membership to the group or association hosting the workshop.
ARCB CEs: This class is recognized by ARCB. Students who attend and answer questions about the workshop are given a certificate of completion acknowledging 14 CEs.